A Proper Plan for bringing electricity from offshore wind farms to the National Grid
As someone who I know shares an interest in our countryside and the impact of major development on our communities, habitats and landscape, I thought you’d appreciate a quick update on the massive development of cables and substations by international energy companies across Norfolk (and Suffolk).
Recently I secured and led a debate in Parliament to highlight the important issues raised by the planned development, at which the Minister gave some important undertakings.
Key points:
– The development of the major Southern North Sea wind farms will see 10 massive wind farms off the Norfolk and Suffolk Coast
– To bring the electricity onshore will require hundreds of kilometres of high voltage cabling and connection to the National Grid via substations
– Whilst I – like you I’m sure – support offshore renewable wind energy, it is vital that the cabling and connectivity infrastructure is properly planned: to maximise efficiency, reduce waste and cost and to avoid unnecessary landscape, environmental and economic disruption across our county
– The first application for our area came in 2009, for a substation proposed to be at Little Dunham, on high ground visible to a huge area, before I and local councillors worked to negotiate for it to be moved to low lying land off the A47 at Necton
– We now have two more substations (these are the size of Wembley Stadium!) coming to Necton, with 150km of high voltage cabling being buried in trenches across the county). As before, the developer, in this case Vattenfall, have proposed putting the structures on top of a hill – affecting over 5 villages
– But this time the developer is not prepared to discuss putting the station in low lying land, relying on the special planning rules for nationally significant infrastructure to override local concerns.
– The first two farms alone have led to 150km and 2500 acres of farmland affected by cabling.
– In the next 5-10yrs, our area will see another 10 wind farms built offshore, and National Grid are currently proposing that each one makes its own arrangements for cabling and substation connectivity.
This is bonkers.
It is obvious to just about everyone who has looked at this that there ought to be an Offshore Ring Main with one or two connections onshore to the Grid – paid for by the consortia behind the farms (which are all heavily subsidised by us as taxpayers).
I believe we need a proper strategic Plan for bringing the offshore electricity onshore to the Grid (and making sure we have enough electricity here in Norfolk for all the new housing on the A11 corridor), which minimises disruption, cost, waste and landscape impact.
It is also only fair that the villages which carry the National Infrastructure for the nation should benefit in some way – with some contribution by the developer to local facilities.
After 3 years of working with many villages and Parish Councils, last week I raised the issues in a debate in Parliament.
The Minister gave a number of important undertakings – including supporting the call for a proper Offshore Ring Main – and has agreed to meet with me, other MPs, Councillors and organisations concerned at the impact on our countryside and communities.
I am now convening an Offshore Energy Connection Plan Alliance (OECPA) to pursue this.
If you – or anyone you know would like to be kept informed – please let me now and feel free to forward this bulletin on.
To watch the debate in Parliament in full, please click the link to my website here: https://www.georgefreeman.co.uk/content/offshore-wind-energy-debate-0
I also include:
– The Hansard transcript of the debate (also attached)
– A link to the Petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/240822
– A link to the campaign page with all my up-to-date work on this issue: https://www.georgefreeman.co.uk/content/offshore-wind-farms-and-vattenfall
– Widespread media coverage of the debate:
MP calls for debate to avoid ‘major environmental impact’ of offshore windfarm projects:
Communities left ‘cut out’ by plans for windfarms which include substation the size of Wembley stadium – MP:
MP’s concerns over power cables and substations:
Is this the way to stop offshore wind farm developers carving up miles of our region’s countryside?
Please circulate this to anyone else you know who is concerned about our countryside and planning system and encourage them to please:
– Sign the Petition
Together – we CAN make a difference.
I believe we owe it to the generations who will come after us to get this right and leave our county as beautiful as we found it.
George Freeman MP

Member of Parliament for Mid Norfolk
8 Damgate Street | Wymondham | NR18 0BQ
01953 600 617
To join the 25,000+ people following me on social media: Twitter @GeorgeFreemanMP Facebook @GeorgeFreemanMidNorfolk