COVID-19 Virus | PINs EA1N & EA2 Hearings

COVID-19 Suffolk – The Planning Inspectorate has postponed the ‘Preliminary Meeting’ and ‘Hearings’ for EA1N & EA2 DCO’ 

Published Advice note on postponement of EA1N & EA2 DCO meetings and hearings:

The Planning Inspectorate has sent emails to all those who have registered their email address on the PINs website under EA1N & EA2 DCO’s. The examining authority are asking for Interested Parties to complete and submit a questionnaire to provide views and feedback on proposals to hold virtual meetings & hearings, you can view and complete the questionnaire using the following link:



21/05/2020 – Procedural Decision on how DCO’s might progress view document >>>
21/05/2020 – FAQ’s PINS seeks to answer questions regarding the Coronavirus situation view document >>>
1/04/2020 – The Planning Inspectorate announces it is exploring options and technology to run planning hearings and enquiries online more info >>>


Corona Virus & public meetings. Suffolk UK.