The Planning Inspectorate has published receipt of Scottish Power Renewables submissions for two applications, one each for EA1N & EA2 offshore wind farms. The Planning Inspectorate will now begin their application assessments to determine whether these applications are in order and meet with the DCO pre-application criteria and due processes as set out in Section 47 of the Planning Act 2008.
If the Planning Inspectorate is happy each proposal meets with the pre-application processes they will move the applications to ‘Pre-examination’, at this stage interested parties must to register with the Planning Inspectorate in order to provide ‘Relevant Representation’ (i.e. your concerns, views and questions).
You must register if you wish to make any representation in the process going forward and if you plan to attend public hearings, if and when the applications are accepted the Planning Inspectorate will release a registration form on each applications PINs web page.
It is now essential to keep an eye on each applications PINs web page as the process moves forward, you will find a timeline under the ‘Overview’ tab for each project.
You can also sign up for ’email updates’ for each project via each projects page on the PINs website, this should help you stay abreast of developments and deadlines.
Diagram: DCO process and stages for full details visit the PINS website ‘DCO The Process’