Numerous residents living in Friston have informed us they have recently received questionnaires and letters from Scottish Power via Dalcour Maclaren. We have been asked to seek clarification whether there is any obligation to fill these in.
Scottish Power have confirmed you DO NOT have any obligation to provide detailed information about your property or access and rights of way.
If you no not wish to provide a detailed response to individual questions you might like to just confirm your contact details and ownership of property.
Harry Hyde is listed as a member of the ‘support team’ and he can be contacted on 01285 707967
Access to property and land along the defined cable route
Scottish Power Renewables and their contractors & surveyors are looking to carry out surveying work along the cable corridor. This work may involve the need to gain access to properties, gardens and land. If you have been asked to provide access to your property, garden or land you do not have a legal obligation to sign any consent paperwork until you have had a chance to read it and the opportunity to seek legal advice if you feel this is needed.
There is NO obligation to to sign access consent to land or property until you have considered your options and if necessary taken some legal advice (you may also seek recompense for any legal costs).
It is your choice and you should not be pressurised into signing on demand, if you feel you wish to seek legal advice before.
Planning Inspectorate Guidance – ‘Rights of Entry’ Section 53 (Planning Act 2008)
If you feel the need to seek legal advice or representation you can apply to Scottish Power/Dalcour Maclaren for assistance