Suffolk Coast at breaking point: EA1N, EA2, & Sizewell C

STOP Scottish Powers - Dangerous plans
(SPRs proposed cable landing zone north of Thorpeness)

Suffolk Campaign groups are concerned that the extension to the DCO examinations for Scottish Power’s proposed EA1N & EA2 wind farms will run well into EDF’s Sizewell C DCO examinations (now underway). A double burden of unnecessary strain on local residents and local business community. 

Local residents and businesses will have little or no time to follow both examinations which will cross-over for at least 3 months. For businesses it is an impossible burden at a time when tourism is about to re-open, and full focus will be required on trying to stay afloat after a tough 12 months of on and off ‘lock downs’. Yet again Suffolk coastal communities and enterprises are being subjected to extra stresses attributable to ‘a big idea’ that the Suffolk Heritage Coast is a suitable place to become an industrial energy coast – It’s a growing scandal that energy companies are pitting so called national energy needs, against a protected AONB which encompasses RSPB Minsmere, one of Europe’s most important wetland habitats!

SASES & SEAS campaign groups have written to the Planning Inspectorate to make an objection to the extension of EA1N & EA2 Examinations, which were supposed to have a fixed statutory examination period ending at the beginning of April. SASES, SEAS & other campaign groups cannot understand why Scottish Power is being allowed more time to examine these highly flawed applications. Scottish Power’s DCOs are lacking masses of detail surrounding proposed onshore development (including on flooding, noise, cable landing, and cable corridor issues).

SASES comment – If we thought this extra time would resolve many of the issues, we would support an extension, however Scottish Power have failed at each stage from conception, to consultation and at examination, so it’s genuinely impossible to understand this extension.

It’s wrong to provide more time to ScottishPower Renewables so they can waste more time on these seriously flawed applications that are just NOT acceptable in so many ways.

If you feel the extension to the EA1N & EA2 DCOs is unjust, please write to the Planning Inspectorate case teams.

Please also write to the Planning Inspectorate Sizewell C examination to explain that it is completely unworkable to have 3 examinations all going on together


SASES.ORG.UK Article Published: 19:50 April 8, 2021