Over 800 Relevant Representations For EA1N & EA2 Published On PINs Website

The relevant representations made in respect of the Scottish Power projects EA1N and EA2 have now been published on the two Planning Inspectorate websites:


Over 800 people, local businesses & organisations made representations, a very high number for a windfarm project, because of the high numbers of residents who engaged in the process. So thank you to everyone for doing so. Thank you also to the 150 people who referenced the SASES relevant representations which can be accessed here.


There is an effective filter mechanism on the PINS websites so you can find representations from particular people and organisations relatively easily. There are also tabs for key groups such as local authorities, statutory consultees and Parish Councils.

The number of representations from residents who object to the proposals will not go unnoticed.

The examining authority recently conducted an unaccompanied site inspection and details are also on the PINS website.

Ofgem’s Decarbonisation Action plan
You may have seen reports concerning a publication from Ofgem called Ofgem’s Decarbonisation Action Plan. In this plan OFGEM states it “will explore, with government and industry, options for a more coordinated offshore transmission system”. This means no substantive action is going to be taken any time soon. This publication will be used as a means to deflect criticism away from the abject failure of Government, OFGEM, National Grid and the Energy Developers to strategically plan and invest for the future at least 10 years ago when the issues were already known. This reinforces the need for us to remain focussed on objecting through the DCO planning process and continuing to remind the political classes from the Secretary of State at BEIS and Therese Coffey to our county and district councillors of the community’s strong objections to the Scottish Power projects and all the other projects which threaten to overwhelm us.