This is not an April fool’s joke – The Planning Inspectorate has announced an extension of 3 months to Examinations of Scottish Power’s EA1N & EA2 DCO proposals. In an updated Rule 8 letter PINS cited the following reasons as the need for more examination time:
The Secretary of State has agreed and The Examinations have now been extended and will close on or before Tuesday 6 July 2021 (SoS letter granting request to extend EA1N & EA2 DCO Examinations)
SASES is saddened that Scottish Power appear to be getting even more time to make little, or no improvement to these DCO proposals. This has come as a shock and very late in the day, as many people thought the end of the examinations was in sight.
Now we face a summer of more of the same from Scottish Power Renewables. Scottish Power have had ample opportunity to improve the onshore development proposals for these projects. It is starting to feel like Scottish Power are getting more time to waste. If Scottish Power were really serious about causing minimal damage to the Suffolk Coast, our AONB, coastal communities and tourism economy, they would have submitted a thorough Cumulative Impact Assessment and investigated connecting to the grid at a pre-industrialised or brownfield site.
SASES.ORG.UK Article Published: 13:03 April 1, 2021