25th October 2019 – Friston suffers flooding over a number of days, so why have Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) ignored the clear issues at Grove Wood?
In the last few weeks rainfall and the surface water run-off from semi-permeable land (fields and meadows) surrounding Friston village has resulted in 2 separate floods in the village. The quick thinking and action of local residents to dig channels into storm drains and ditching averted more serious flooding. The images and movies below illustrate why SPR’s propsals to build substations right next to the village are completely unacceptable to residents living in Friston, to our knowledge there is still no professional flood risk assessment for the projects EA1N & EA2.
Surface water flood problems were highlighted to Scottish Power Renewables as soon as residents learnt SPR had shortlisted Grove Wood as a potential location for substations for EA1N & EA2 wind farm projects. Scottish Power have systematically ignored community guidance, the concerns of the local Suffolk authorities and the historical evidence that proves Grove Wood is a completely unsuitable choice for vast industrial development. SPRs propsals would exacerbate flooding issues in the village.